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Poltergeist (SWI), Contorsion (SWI)
Poltergeist is a legendary cult band which had been issuing three terrific records between 1989 and 1991. Thereby they could go on tour with bands like Destruction, Kreator, Sodom and many more. They split up in 1993. They reunited in 2016 an the old magic was back. Furthermore a strong comeback album called „Back To Haunt“ followed. And a thrash metal night with such a band is interesting. Contorsion performed as first band. The thrash metal band from Argovia enjoyed their appearance tonight.
The first song sounded with „Planet Parasite“. Singer Marc Toretti encouraged the audience to create an athmosphere. The spectators joined in and a mosh party started. Guitar solos by Jon Schnider and Simon Freiburghaus caused headbanging in the front row. In addition the audience heard the new song „Insurrection“. A catchy tune which convinced 100%. The performance was amazing and you realized right now that technical skilled musicians were at work. An encore had to be played after „Thrash Metal Domination“. The spectators weren’s satisfied yet. „The Privilege of War“ flattened everything. Contorsion obtained much applause for their fantastic show. They honestly deserved it. Setlist Contorsion Planet Parasite Betrayers Of Humanity In Shadows They Hide This Lying Breed Unconditional Hate New World Order Gone Too Far The Plague Of Virtuality U.Z.N. Kick That Dirt Insurrection Rise And Fall Thrash Metal Domination The Privilege Of War Poltergeist entered the stage after a short break. „Writing On The Wall“ opened their set. Singer André Grieder convinced with his voice and showed his skills as entertainer with slogans and jokes to entertain the audience. Guitarist Chasper Wanner showed his skills with guitar solos and caused standing ovations. Drummer Reto Crola celebrated his premiere at the first concert. Although Poltergeist had been gone for a long time still knew how to do a great show. Catchy songs with a lot of melodies, fat riffs, and a high recognition value made the audience celebrating a great thrash metal party. The members left the stage after „Nothing Lasts Forever“. Loud encore shouts brought them back on stage they played three encores with „Depression“, „We Are The People“ and „ (Inner Space) “. A 90 Minutes performance was enough to prove the present metalheads, they didn’t forget about their craftmanship. The spectatores said goodbye to them with much applause. Setlist Poltergeist Writing On The Wall Back To Haunt And So It Has Begun Empty Inside Three Hills Just Doin‘ My Job Those Were Better Days Patterns In The Sky Only You Remain Behind My Mask Pillars Of Creation Gone And Forgotten When The Ships Arrive Nothing Lasts Forever Depression We Are The People (Inner Space) Conclusion: It’s worth visiting a thrash metal concert at Rockfact Music Club. Fantastic audience, good sound by sound mixer Jerry Thomas Ferrat and the sound mixer of Poltergeist. Livreport and photos from Dominic Latscha
Presented by Rockfact Music Club & IRON-T21
Rockfact Music Club, Münchenstein,  Switzerland – 24.02.2018