End of Silence (SWI), With One Word (SWI)
Hitchy’s, Liestal, Switzerland – 03.06.2017
The pente coast weekend arrived. You go to the championship party of FC Basel
or you go away on a trip for a few days. Hitchy’s provided a concert for the
metalheads who stayed home. A date you shouldn’t miss despite the rain and cold
The doors opened on 7 PM and two hours later With One Word was on stage.
The Metalcore band from Zurich Oberland was happy about tonight and showed it
on stage. Guitar player Lex and Silvan convinced with guitar tunes while singer
Arran kicked ass with his voice. Watching the guys live was a pleasure, because
they lived the music with much passion and devotion and this is no matter of
causet in today’s fast moving time.
The spectators appreciated it and the three piece received much applause for their performance. They said goodbye to
the audience with „Kingdom of Pain“ and left the stage.
Setlist With One Word
Moments of Doubt
Hidden Below
Lift Musik
The Storm
The Story
Kingdom of Pain
The Storm
Headliner End of Silence entered the stage after a short interruption. The young Central Swiss started with „Rotten
World“ after a intro. It’s not easy to move on the small stage of Hitchy’s but the musicians had a lot of fun. Singer & Bass
player Andreas Egli convinced with a vocal variation between clean vocals and growls. Guitar player Thomas Stalder
entertained the audience with guitar solos gave spice to the sonic brew. Watching the guys live was a pleasure, they
interacted with the audience and involved into the performance. So far I didn’t take notice of this band but what they
performed in Liestal tonight was amazing. It only remains to hope they continue playing live in this way, because there’s
potential to reach a new and higher level. After the concert you could buy their record „Rotten World“.
Setlist End of Silence
Rotten World
My Own Tragedy
The Anchor On My Feet
The Fallen
A Million Miles Away
One Bullet Left
Silent Circle
One Of Those Days
Unspoken Truth
Livereport and photos by Dominic Latscha